Let my business
help run your business
Services offered
Registrations of all types of companies (Public, profit, non-profit, external, personal liability)
Conversion of close corporations to companies
All special resolutions – adoption of new MOI and any amendments thereto
Shares – conversion to NPV, transfer, allotment, buy back or increase
Names – registration of defensive names
Close corporations – all changes from name, year end, members, accounting officers etc.
Section 45 – Shareholder and board minutes re the implementation thereof
Lodgement of annual returns
Re-instatement of de-registered companies and CC’s due to non-payment of annual duty/returns with CIPC
Changes of directors, auditors, registered address, year ends, names with CIPC
De-registrations with CIPC
Beneficial ownership lodgements with CIPC
Company secretarial audits and ongoing maintenance of statutory registers
Safekeeping of statutory records
Assisting with the preparation of board meeting agenda
Assisting with an AGM and general meeting notices
CIPC compliance checklists
Acting as Company Secretary
Acting as Local Manager to External Companies; and
Ad hoc company secretarial services from time to time when needed